Writer's thought

"I write what I think.
But, sometimes our feelings is difficult
to be disclosed with words".

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy birthday my lovely buddy...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Kinah!!
Happy birthday to you.

My dearest Kinah,

I wishing you another year of laughter, joy and fun, 
surprises, love and happiness.
And when your birthday's done,I hope you feel deep in your heart as your birthdays come and go.
How very much you mean to me, more than you can know.

I wish you a most wonderful day sweetheart. Hope you get to take the day off from flying the friendly skies and enjoy doing something fun.

Wish you all the best and hope that everything you want will come true. Hope that you'll never forget me...(><,)


  1. amir...
    so sweet laa....
    thanx sgt2...
    still ingat prjanjian kita...
    hehe...da besar dah...

  2. of course laa ingat,...
    lg 3 thn 4 bln kan...
    raye nie jgn lupe dtg jpe 'mak mertua' tau...
    mesti kak azie terkejut giler klu kinah dtg..

  3. erk...hehehe..ops..

  4. @Anonymous :
    ????....x fhm,ape yg saudara/ri hendak katakan??

  5. jmpa 'mak mertua'...
    hbs la klo kene marah jap g...
    kna sedia mental n fizikal dl la..
    br la smpai...

  6. ahahahahah....x sabr nak kawin ke abg amir..hak99..anyway wish happiness 4 u(^^)

  7. aish...lmbt lg laa cuiya.ble cuiya dah blek mesia nanti pon blom tentu lg amir kawen..hehehe

    jodoh & pertemuan itukan ditgn ALLAH...(><,)

  8. wah...kwin la dl la amir nmpknye... sesuai2...
    hope jdoh korg bkekaln...

  9. ntah pape laa korg nie.kitorg couple pon x,tetibe nk kawen nie ape kes??cpt btol korg buat kesimpulan kan...

    darah masih muda laa der!!enjoy pon x puas lg.

    blaja pon x abeh lg,keje pon blom lg,camne nak tanggung anak org,ye x??

  10. ntah2 b4 balik mesia
    abg amir cuiya ni da kawen kot...

  11. haha,cuiya grad 2016...
    amir ngan kinah grad may 2012..
    perjanjian kte smpai 2014...
    klu ikut teori mmg x smpt laa kot..
    tp,cuiya kna blik laa ble dpt kad jemputan kawen amir nanti kan.hehehe..(><,)

  12. lg 2 tahun kita nk grad....
    prepare la pape yg patut dlm 2 thn tu...


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