Writer's thought

"I write what I think.
But, sometimes our feelings is difficult
to be disclosed with words".

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

our new member...

We have a new member of our household. Please guess who is he...(><,)

-click this picture to enlarge-

Actually, we got a new cat at our home. Our 'Mama' call him as Garfield because he looks cute like Garfield, but I do like call him as Orange.It's more suitable,right??At last, we decided to give him a Malay name,MOHD GADAFFI....hehehe

Orange @ Garfield

Full name : Mohd Gadaffi
Nickname : Orange @ Garfield
Age : 2 years old
Gender : Male

He meows a lot and loves attention. He is very affectionate and is a handful at times.He is like a furry alarm clock with a cold noses and warm tongue.Feathered wands and toys with faux-fur or catnip are his favorite.

He stalks anything that moves and love all hunting games, but particularly adore playing fetch.Toss a catnip mouse and he will run it down, "kill it" and trot it back to me, eyes gleaming with predatory triumph.

He really do have strange sleeping positions
So damn cute lorr!!!


  1. laaa..jauhnyer tobi lari..
    sehari jer aritu dia duk..
    pastu blah camtu jer..

  2. lorr,kucing umah ko ke??
    dah semggu kot die duk lepak umah aku...hehehe

  3. cute giler kucen ni...
    rndu cotek yg dah xde....

  4. cute an,an...blom pernah bela kucing,tp ble kucing nie dtg ke umah amir,trus kitorg amek die jd adik angkat...hehehe

    diorg syg giler kat kucen neh.smpai x bg die kluar jln2 pon.takut die x blik2...hehehe

  5. nanti lame2 die kenal la umah tu...
    jgn potong misai die dah la...
    t die x cam jalan balik umah amir....

    2 tahun kecik ag tu....
    jgn wat x ngat plak nk bg mkn...
    mmg gaya kucen tdo pelik tp sgt comel!

  6. die puasa cam kitorg laa..
    time kitorg sahur,die pon sahur,...
    time kitorg berbuka,die pon berbuka...
    nie kan kucen Melayu,mne bleh bg x puasa...hehehe

  7. waaa...kejam bg kucen pose....
    mane ley wat camtu...
    syian la die...meh sini la nk jage...

  8. die mane ade buat keje pape,duk tido je 24 jam...
    lgpon,kitorg kan bujang.mne masak setiap mase..
    2x sehari je,1 tuk sahur,1 tuk berbuka..
    nak bg biskut,die x mkn kot...
    so,last option,die kna tggu kitorg berbuka dulu laa kan...
    xyah wisau,die sahur sme2 ngan kitorg...
    kami xkan bg dia mati kelaparan puyelah...hehehe

  9. hahaha..sehari jer dia datang..
    waktu berbuka gak..
    bukak jer pintu..
    terus masok serbu camtu jer..


    ni link aku post pasal dia..
    tapi xtau la kucing same ke x..
    kale da same da..

  10. laa,kucen yg same laa der...
    klu ko rindu die,jmpt2 arr dtg umah...hahaha

  11. kuceng ni kuat tido...dah macam apon dah cara posing tido die..wahaha

  12. hehe....ok la tu...
    tp la kan...kurus la kucen tu mkn 2 kali sehari je...ajar la die mkn biskut, roti n lain2 tu...
    kucen mkn je bnda tu sume tau...


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