Writer's thought

"I write what I think.
But, sometimes our feelings is difficult
to be disclosed with words".

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'll never make you suffer again..

Dear my beloved one…

I have a feeling you knew this time would come. And I have to say that it's not you, it's all me.You and I have been through together and our relationship has been pretty good. Up until now. You never demanded exclusivity and I didn't imagine I'd need to go anywhere else for my presentation needs.Sadly, it has come to this.I've started to look around and I'm finding that there are many different between us.

I don't want to be with you anymore because our relationship is going nowhere. I wanted to tell you so many times that our relationship was over,but just couldn't do it. I really do not want to hurt you but this is not going to work and it's better for us to part. Today I decided to get everything out in the open and finally make the break.

I realize our relationship is not what it should be. We have been just existing for but not truly bonding with each other. Our relationship has been dead for a long time and I am just hurting you by trying to continue with something that just isn't there. I can't keep on "flogging a dead horse" and expecting something to come out of this relationship. It is just not going to happen and we both need to understand this.

You know I used to try and juice up my presentation while I was thinking through my message. But now I know that it is far better to separate. You may have noticed that when we spend less time together, I'm off writing in a plain text editor. Massaging my thoughts before I use your presentation capabilities.

We need to redefine our relationship. I still love you but I need more than this. I have to go elsewhere for those things that you don't do as well.

I've been thinking about this long and hard and I've come to the conclusion that we should go our separate ways. I've been in the place you're in right now, and it was an emotional hell I never want to repeat.an emotional hell I would never wish onto any one, especially the ones that I love. I was in so much agony, I wanted to walk away from the relationship and tried on several occasions.

I was unhappy because it meant me being deprived of what I needed, and me not being myself. The same thing happened when you gave me what I needed. If our needs weren't so diametrically opposed and immensely important, it wouldn't have been a big threat to our relationship and our individual happiness. I see the same thing with us right now. If I give a little to compromise, I loose a lot of happiness and sanity. If you give a little for compromise you loose a lot of happiness and sanity.

I love you very much and I want you to be happy. I was so glad (in the long run) that I was cut loose. I now have the freedom to find someone that I don't have to change in order to get my most important emotional needs met. I think in a relationship, these are the most important needs to be met. I don't think our relationship should be this hard this soon. It is definitely bad timing.

I wanted to tell you this in person, but I didn't know if it would come out right, or if it would make things even more painful. I would love to say good-bye to you,though. If not in person, at least over the phone.

I love you. I wish we only fell in love with the people we're compatible with. It seems to be my curse. Tell me if you want me to stop by or call you. Love always and forever....T_T

We still can be friend right???

Letter of response :


Sy dh bace msg yg awk bg kt sy semalam…
Firstly, sy nk mntk maaf sbb buat awk byk berfikir pasal ni, pasal soalan yg awk tanye kt sy yg sampai skarang ni sy tak jawab (even dh expired)…dan yg penting skali sbb buat awk rase semua ni dan duduk dalam situasi ni…sy tahu sejak akhir-akhir ni hubungan kite makin renggang…maybe salah sy… maybe sy yg tak berani nak bagi komitmen yg lebih dalam hubungan kite… sebelum ni pon sy byk fikir pasal semua ni…tp saye tak tahu nak buat macam mane…sy memang lembab skit ngan bende-bende ni sume sampai la saye bace msg awk…dan saye rase itulah keputusannye…dalam hal ni saye tak boleh pentingkan diri sendiri…sy rase keputusan yg awk buat tu terbaik untuk kite…sy tahu susah bagi awk untuk buat keputusan tu dan susah jugak untuk saye terima…tp itu adalah lebih baik daripada kite terus macam ni…saye harap lepas ni awk tak payah lagi pening kepala nak fikir pasal bende ni semua…saye tahu macam mane awk rase dan saye tak nak awk rase semua tu…harap lepas ni awk dapat keluar dari semua ni...

trime kasih sbb selame kite kenal awk layan saye dengan baik…sy hargai ape yg awk pernah buat untuk saye…awk terlalu baik untuk saye…maybe awk boleh cari org yg lebih baik dari saye…org yg takkan kecewakan awk…

sorry 4 everything & thanks 4 everything


  1. owh amir baru break ke?????
    kisah kita mcm sama tp berbeza...
    anyway..think the best for yourself~

  2. x la bru sgt.dah sebulan lebih...

    3 hari karang surat tue tau...
    dan mengambil mse 7 hari tuk menghantarnya..

    nway,i'm not a loner...
    i'm still got my beloved family n my friends...

  3. oh yeker....
    tp serius surat tu mcm lbih kurang dgn jaa..
    tp kitorang xpkai surat...
    pakai e-mel..maju ckit...;p

  4. haha,amir anta gne FB jew...

    7 hri tue sbb amir still confuse ngan keputusan amir..

  5. oitch en amir..asal la hang niee..
    dea tue syag kan hang tuee..
    i noe that..i.am a gurl..
    thats y dea kte gitu..
    sbnarnye dea xnak pon bnde tuee..
    xpaham ka wahai en amir..
    haish..nak ketuk2 gaks rsenye kawan ak niee..
    (kan da kne ceramah ngan ak)..
    berusahala yg terbiak tok hubugan kmoo tue k..
    jgn putus asa bro..cepat sgt putus asa..bgun2..

  6. hahaha,i dunno how to solve da probs lorr...
    aku bukannye pandai sgt nk mengayat2 neh...
    lgpon,aku rse mmg itu jln yg t'baek tuk kitorg...

    btw,"love 2 study b4 u love somebody"...
    i like dis quote,hahahahahha...

    single suits me better lorr..
    bebas jew nk wak pape...

  7. "love 2 study b4 u love somebody" like too ;)


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